Installing Sapphire Manually
These instructions are intended to be used to install Sapphire Manually on your AppleTV. You will probably only need to do this if Sapphire is unavailable through the ATVLoader (it takes a little while for new versions to get approved by AwkwardTV to be listed).
-WARNING- READ THIS TUTORAIL FIRST. If you are not confident in what you are going to be doing PLEASE DON’T PREFORM THIS TYPE OF INSTALLATION and wait for the ATVLoader to be updated.
1. We need the IP address for the AppleTV - to find it go to the AppleTV’s Menu and select Settings -> Network. For these instructions we will assume the IP Address is
2. We need to make sure SSH is enabled. To turn it on, go to the Awkward TV plugin and select the SSH Service button. The button will say “SSH Service Enabled” when it’s turned on.
3. Now we need to SSH into the AppleTV. Using the terminal* type: “ssh -1 frontrow@″. Remember to use your AppleTV’s IP Address.
4. The password is “frontrow”
5. Now we need to make sure we can write to the OSBoot volume. Using the terminal* type: “sudo mount -uw /”. Again, the password is “frontrow”.
6. Now our AppleTV is ready for an install. If you already have a version of Sapphire Installed we need to remove it. Using the terminal* type: “sudo rm -r /System/Library/CoreServices/”.
7. Now we need to get the new version on the AppleTV. From your computer, copy the Sapphire.frappliance folder on to your AppleTV’s frontrow partition.
8. Now we need to move the Sapphire.frappliance folder from the frontrow partition to the OSBoot partition. Using the termianl* type: “sudo mv ~/Sapphire.frappliance /System/Library/CoreServices/”
9. Almost done! we just need to reload the AppleTV’s UI. Using the terminal* type: “sudo reboot”.
10. Wait for the AppleTV to reboot.
* To open a terminal window type “Terminal” into spotlight - it will be the top hit.
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